Love fights everything
Love fights everything
Love fights everything
There are many unforeseen calamities in the world, the incalculable deaths caused by natural earthquakes and tsunami, and plague diseases, which happen again and again, also mean the collapse and destruction of one person after another. In the face of the power of nature, human power is mostly small, weak, and unable to effectively stop grief and pain in time. But human beings are characterized by the flash of love, the warmth of love, and the faith of love in any situation.

The outbreak of the new coronavirus in China has focused the attention of all Chinese people on the frontline of the epidemic management, the treatment and rehabilitation of sick patients. All the Chinese are cheering, and sincerely hope for an early victory. At the same time, there is the warmth and the concern of customers overseas. Like Chinese people, the customers also look forward to the disease being cured soon!

All IVEN's friendly customers also pay close attention to the epidemic in China. They show great concern to IVEN's friends, pray and bless the IVEN family, and wish the land of China shine light and love, flowing honey and milk. As a part of nature, human beings should learn to live in peace and friendship with other things in nature, just like the mutual care and love of groups between different races and nationalities that human beings have divided. This love will lead us through hardships and usher in the true spring.

Special thanks to Tanya, Belle, Bella, Nadia, Alice sharing the warmth caring and genuine praying from their customers.

Love In China
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